This JavaScript course covers both fundamental and advanced topics, teaching you how to write efficient and maintainable code and build complex web applications. You'll gain a solid understanding of JavaScript and how to use it to enhance the user experience of web applications.
4 months (7 hrs/w)
No requirements
- -What is JavaScript?
- -ECMAScript standard
- -Hello world in JS
- -Developer console
- -Linters and formatters
- -Statements: values, operators, expressions, keywords, comments
- -Interaction with the browser: alert, prompt, confirm
Variables, Scopes, Conditional Statements
- -Variables
- -Variable naming rules, declaration and initialization
- -Data types: primitives and non-primitives
- -Type coercion and the typeof keyword
- -Variable scopes
- -Conditional statements
- -Loops
Arrays and Functions
- -Arrays
- -Array methods and callback functions
- -Function definition
- -Methods of declaring functions
- -First-class functions
- -Higher-order functions, currying, and recursion
Objects, Classes, Prototypes
- -Object literals
- -Value vs reference types
- -Object methods and the this keyword
- -Function binding: call, apply, bind
- -Object wrappers and static methods
- -Property flags, descriptors, and getters/setters
- -Classes
- -Constructor function and the new keyword
- -Prototypes and prototypal inheritance
- -Date and time format
- -Regular expressions
OOP Concepts, Asynchronous JavaScript
- -OOP concepts: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
- -Asynchronous JavaScript: promises/callbacks
- -Promise methods and chaining
- -Async/await
- -Error handling: error types, try/catch/finally
DOM, Events, Modules
- -DOM: methods, tree and nodes
- -DOM manipulation: creating, removing, and replacing elements
- -Animations
- -Events and event listeners
- -Event delegation: bubbling and capturing
- -Modules: async and defer attributes
- -Module bundlers
The Hard Parts
- -Iterators and generators
- -Hoisting
- -Execution context and stack
- -Lexical environment
- -Closures
- -Call stack
- -Microtasks, macrotasks, event loop
- -Memory management and Garbage collection
- -Performance optimization
- -Web APIs
Exams, Projects and Final Evaluation
- -Q&A sessions
- -Midterm Exam
- -Teams Split up
- -App Development
- -Seminar Sessions
- -Final Evaluation
Free Consultation Sessions Available
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